Monday, May 28, 2007

What is a "Life Purpose"?

Your "Life Purpose" is simply that; what you believe to be your purpose for living. Most individuals believe they are on this earth for a reason; to accomplish a purpose. However, while many self-aware people very clearly understand their purpose, many (if not most) others either have only a fleeting idea of their purpose or do not understand their life purpose at all. This is what I call "Living the Accidental Life".

Understanding your life purpose is critical. Living life without a clear understanding of your life purpose is comparable getting into your car to leave for vacation and driving aimlessly with no plans, no map, no idea about where you will end up. Aside from helping you live, day to day, with a mission, understanding your life purpose will help you leave your legacy; to leave the world and mankind a better place than when you were born. Those of us with a Chrisian faith also believe that God has a purpose for our life but it is up to us to find it through study and prayer. Understanding your life purpose is incredibly important.

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