Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Is your resume working as hard as you are?

Most of us agree that a resume is often what gets us past the front door and into an interviewer's office. Yet, we often resort to resumes that rely on an overused template or that are created by a well-meaning friend.

Granted, there are many components of an effective job search. Having a top-notch resume is key. Does your resume work for you? Is it helping you get into the interviewer's office? Here are seven tips to help you polish your resume so that it is helping you get the interview you deserve:

1. Know what type of job you're going for before writing your resume. Make sure your vision comes through on your resume.

2. Know all about the job you're applying for. Make sure your resume speaks to the employer's needs (read the job advertisement carefully for this information).

3. Make sure the resume is concise while effectively telling your story. Be sure the job titles and job descriptions you list on the resume clearly state what you did (use action verbs), how you did it, and the success you had.

4. Make sure the resume is truthful. You should be able to back up anything you say in your resume.

5. Make sure the resume highlights your key selling points. There are several resume formats. Be sure to choose the one that points out your strengths and downplays your shortcomings.

6. Tailor your resume to the organization you are trying to reach. Some resume experts warn against using graphics. I say if you're going for a graphic artist position (or some other creative job), show your creativity in your resume. If you're going for a bank president position, however, your resume might want to have a more conservative look .

7. Proofread...proofread...proofread. Then, have a friend proofread.

I am a personal and professional coach. I work with clients who are reinventing their careers. If you or anyone you know needs help with their career search, please contact me.

Best wishes on your search!


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